Hi Friend!! We’re Jo & Glo! Two free-spirited souls that are still madly in love after spending more than half a decade together. We believe that everything in life happens for a reason, whether to teach us or to guide us.

Our deepest purpose in life is to live a free and conscious life while inspiring others to do the same. We find fulfillment in Our LOVE for travelling. It's so BIG that we decided to purchase a camper van (we named her Gaia!) and live in it full time so that we can hit the road whenever our hearts desire! We also live a happy and healthy whole food plant-based lifestyle and love discovering and creating yummy recipes! (Jo’s an EXCEPTIONAL Vegan chef BTW!!!)

Photography came to us serendipitously when we least expected it. But it grew to become our deepest love and passion - to capture love and tell stories through images frozen in time. And through this craft, we've had the opportunity to meet some of our bestest friends and soul family!! We CAN NOT wait to meet you!!

Hello! We are


Photo by: Sydney Aleisha



Your personal elopement and wedding


Your Ultimate power Duo 

Get to know us!

The one that Glo's

☼ Your personal hype woman that you never asked for

☼ Will always make sure you're looking your best and legends have quoted her as "the best personal stylist of the century"

☼ Most likely the one to snack on fries at your reception

☼ Loves listening to your grandparents share your life's epic stories and will treat them like her own

☼ Appreciates even the smallest things in life, even the spider that makes her scream 

☼ Has an interesting humour - Laughs at the things that people normally don't laugh at

☼ Weirdest dance moves that you'll never ever see

☼ Apparently the worlds fastest runner claimed to be faster than Usain bolt

☼ Ability to lucid dream and occasionally questions reality because dreams are too real

Photo by: happilyevereltonphotography

Not Your Average Joe

☼ Your main photographer and will most likely ask you to do something a bit wild and extra

☼ Will usually be found talking to your dad to learn more dad jokes

☼ Would probably be living and meditating in a cave if he hadn't met Glo

☼ Health fanatic and enthusiastic bio hacker - most likely to be found sun gazing and avoiding artificial light after dark

☼ Would try it even if he knows he won't like it

☼ The first one to strip and jump into the ocean so he can get the gram worth pic

☼ The friend that's always here for you when you need help

☼ Always contemplating the deeper meanings of life 

☼ Will spend most of his time in the kitchen cooking DELICIOUS whole food plant-based meals for Glo

Photo by: Sam & Larissa

One Love

One Life

Our approach to photography is different because we open our hearts to listen when you speak and listen more when you aren't speaking